Top 10 Laravel Advantages
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1. Overview of the Laravel Framework
As a clean and classy PHP framework for web development, Laravel is taking the PHP community by storm. Now, PHP web developers are about to experience the next renaissance of the most popular server-side language of the web.
Laravel is a classy and clean framework for PHP web development. Freeing one from spaghetti code helps build wonderful web applications using an expressive, but simple syntax. Laravel Development must be a creative experience that a developer must enjoy, instead of something painful.
1. Laravel’s Popularity and market share
As per survey from builtwith, Laravel currently has more than 821k users all over the world. And this growth is going upwards which makes Laravel one of the most popular PHP frameworks

2. Laravel is Taking the Php Community By Storm
Laravel makes PHP fun again and even better. Thanks to this famous PHP framework , Laravel developers in India and around the globe are about to experience the next renaissance of the most popular server-side language of the web.
2. Some Advanteges of Using the Laravel Php Framework

Proficient web developers opt for the best technology solutions for web apps. It could be a pre-built web framework or CMS like WordPress and Laravel. The following are some of the top benefits of using Laravel for web development.
1. Creating Authentication and Authorization Systems

Every web application owner needs to make sure that users are who they claim to be and therefore prevent unauthorized users from accessing the secured resources. Laravel framework makes authentication implementation very straightforward. Nearly everything is configured out-of-the-box. The framework also provides a simple way of organizing authorization logic as well as control resources access.
2. Integration with Tools to Make Faster Web Apps

It is necessary not only to build an app but to create a fast one as well, which would result in revenue acceleration. Integration with caching the back end often is one of the major steps taken to boost the performance of a web application. Laravel framework supports popular cache back-ends, such as Redis and Memcached out-of-the-box. By default, the Laravel framework is configured to use a file cache driver that stores cached objects in a file system. It is even possible to configure numerous cache configurations.
3. Mail Services Integration
Mail service could be used for sending notifications to emails of users after different events. It is difficult to imagine a modern web app, for instance, which lacks even a simple email notification to a new user regarding their successful registration on a site. The laravel framework offers a simple, clean API over the famous SwiftMailer library. It also provides drivers for Mailgun, SMTP, Mandrill, Amazon SES, and more, enabling an app to quickly begin sending email via a local or cloud-based service. It provides support for sending notifications across various delivery channels, such as SMS and Slack.
4. Exception and Error Handling
How a software app handles errors could have a huge impact on user satisfaction as well as an app’s usability. In the absence of proper error handling, a user may decide that the issue is in the app and move away from it forever. Nobody wants to lose customers or disappoint them. With the Laravel framework, error and exception handling is configured already for any new Laravel-based project. Additionally, it is integrated with the Monolog logging library that offers support for various powerful log handlers.
5. Automation Testing

Automation testing works. Without testing and verifying what a developer has built, in what way could anyone make sure that the software would do without any bugs, errors, crashes, and in adherence to the initial app requirements? Automation testing is less time-consuming and in most instances more exact compared to a manual one. Laravel is created with testing in mind. Support for testing with PHPUnit is included out-of-the-box. It also ships with convenient helper methodologies, enabling expressive testing of apps.
6. MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model View Controller. It separates business logic code from presentation code. Such separation allows HTML layout designers to easily change the look of a webpage without interacting with developers. Possible feature requests and bug fixes will be done through web developers faster if all programming code of the app has the right separation at the early part of the development phase. Since Laravel is an MVC architecture, separation is done already.
7. Fixing Most Common Technical Vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities in security go hand-in-hand with developing any web app. OWASP Foundation, a non-profit American organization describes the most vital web app security vulnerabilities, which include cross-site request forgery, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and more. A developer should not forget and should be able to fix everything before delivery. Laravel helps secure the web app by shielding it against the most serious security dangers. The codebase is guarded fanatically, and the code has been vetted by several individuals.
8. Scheduling Tasks Configuration and Management
Whether it’s important to send out emails to subscribers every morning or automatic database tables cleanup at the end of the day, any web application needs a task scheduling mechanism to handle the tasks when it’s time. Before, developers generate a Cron entry for every tasks they have to schedule them, but this is a headache. The task schedule is not in source control anymore, and developers should SSH into the server to add Cron entries. The command scheduler of Laravel allows expressive and fluent defining of command schedule within the framework itself, and only one Cron entry is required for the server.
9. Artisan Tool for Command Line
Laravel developers had to develop and manage the laravel project environment and for that, they would need a command line. Laravel framework provides just the right integrated command-line tool named artisan. It is used to build database architecture, migrations, and skeleton code. All of these would make it easier for the developer to manage the database.
Artisan command-line tools allow you to create basic MVC files and customized commands. With the help of this tool, you can perform all kinds of repetitive programming tasks that most developers try to avoid doing manually. Artisan tool also enables you to conduct Unit tests for your applications.
10. Object-Oriented Library Accessibility
If you are using the laravel development technology framework then have no worries. You have access to the object-oriented library. Yes, the package comes with a huge file of pre-installed object-oriented libraries. You can use these object-oriented librariesy to add various features in your web application like password reset, protection, encryption, CSRF operations, and more. This in-built laravel library can increase the functionality of your app. Developers will be enabled to do comprehensive object-oriented programming and they no longer have to spend their time and effort after creating object-oriented structures.
3. Laravel PHP Framework is Popular For several Reasons
Developers can get on with the laravel app development just like that. It is a real-time saver. The development technology provides a wide range of tools and features that will help you build your website for you which will be easier to manage too. The things we discussed here in this article are just like the tip of an iceberg. Some reasons and advantages of Laravel makes the PHP framework one of the best development frameworks. Allow me to give you some other examples:
- Building a website or web application can take hundreds of hours because you need to code. But now you can accomplish this task very easily within a few minutes using built-in functions of the laravel framework. For example, authentication, cache, and many more features come in with the new laravel ready-to-install package that makes your development process easier, faster, and more efficient.
- Developers also have to write unit tests. But that is a necessary task as software testing helps you improve the quality of your product or services. But it is a time-consuming process. However, if you are using the laravel framework then testing is already integrated into it which means you don’t have to write unit tests anymore. Laravel has already covered up for you.
- In the case of other framework technologies, developers may have to spend their time analyzing the best practices, making decisions, and implying everything else. But that is not the case with laravel. Because the laravel framework comes with detailed documentation. It is pleasing and welcoming. Additionally, it comes with many courses, tutorials, and code snippets too.
4. Final Thoughts
Taylor Otwell, the developer of the laravel framework says that:
“Laravel is the strongest contender in the PHP ecosystem simply because it includes the features needed to build modern web applications”.
And I believe he is right. Laravel development framework is indeed one of the top technology frameworks. It also has an extensively large online, strong community support. It is one of the PHP frameworks that offer a wide range of renowned features and valuable attributes.
If you are thinking about web application development then Laravel has the creative logic of the developer combined with the various strategies to find and fix the bugs. It is a scalable web development framework that can help you deliver digital solutions meeting all the requirements within a predetermined timeline and in a cost-effective manner. It is about time you select a laravel development partner for your next software project and take the benefits of the laravel framework to accelerate the growth of your business.
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