12 Common Mistakes of Angular Developers and How to avoid them

In today’s digital realm, once you get to know new technology, the next challenge in-line is whether to adopt it or not. Most people get into a dilemma at this point. JavaScript isn’t a new concept, it has been proved it’s worth over all these years. CSS and HTML are no longer concerns anymore. 

With the rise of single-page apps, demand for front-end developers seems to have increased to a great extent.

According to a survey from Stack Overflow, Angular is third most preferred web Framework. We cannot say that technology is tricky in terms of use but the goal is to accomplish demand comprehension. In simple words, if you are looking for a career as an Angular developer – you are about to enter the vanguard of Angular web development.

Getting Started

Many of you often get confused with Angular/Angular 2/ Angular 4/Angular x+ such terminologies. Moreover, people believe that all these are new versions in the Angular development realm. The fact is it is the rewrite of the framework. For example, If Angular 1 is X and Angular 2 is Y and Angular 4 is Z, then the changes made between X and Y and Y and Z won’t be the same. And Z is not a rewrite; it’s a new version of Y with all the bug fixes and new features. Actually, in the semantic versioning approach, every six months we will get a new version of Angular. And with each new version, there is a new set of technology/terminology which may or may not be available all the time on Google, questions in a stack overflow. So what Angular team did was they named old Angular or Angular 1 as Angular JS and the new 2/2+/4/5 is called Angular, just Angular.

Another major terminology change is in regards to all the 3rd party libraries names. Initially, there was a library named ng- prefix but with the release of Angular 2, the libraries started to use the prefix ng2-. With the release of Angular 4, ngx- prefix came into existence. The name of ng2-bootstrap changed to ngx-bootstrap

As technology continues to be considered as a “win” amongst several developers across the globe, professionals are trying to improve it as much as they can. That doesn’t mean that Angular cannot create hurdles for programmers. Even to rip the full range of benefits of the framework for a leading Angular development company like eTatvaSoft, we need to get acquainted with some common mistakes and avoid making them.

Modifying the DOM Directly

One of common mistake made by Angular developers is directly manipulating the DOM or from the controller. Often abbreviated as the API for HTML and XML documents, DOM can be used to either refresh the title of the page depending on a context change or execute SVG or control after validation error. Well, this is not it, there can be a whole lot of possibilities but what you need to look for is an easy way to escape which is not altering the DOM directly. Use jQuery or ElementRef.nativeElement or the Renderer2 service.

Inappropriate Use of Event Handlers

Companies are under pressure especially meeting customer deadlines. This might force the developers to blend rational layers and give an excessive number of assignments for the controllers to perform, bringing about a code, which is intended to execute much more, within a given situation. For example, performing http call in controllers or having many event handlers, to perform a given task. For example, performing http call in controllers or having many event handlers, to perform a given task.

Using jQuery

We all know that jQuery is a library which provides utilities for manipulating the DOM easier. Since DOM manipulation is already handled by Angular, it’s pointless to include jQuery in the project. Angular itself is smarter framework loaded with full features of DOM manipulation.
Apart from just knowing, the developer must search for those features in Angular first before engaging jQuery in the app-building.
In a nutshell, if you want to use DOM, using jQuery is not recommended with Angular.

Unsubscribe Operation

Ignoring or failing to unsubscribe has always been on the top. Most of the Angular programmers do this, they forget to clean up their subscriptions. And continuous new subscriptions might risk data security and lead to creating a huge problem such as memory leaks in the long run. In this manner, ensure as a solid Angular developer, you have great control of the subject fundamentals, in any case. Whenever you unsubscribe, you will be left with two options : 

Option 1 – In case it is in your subscribed component, all you require doing is to initiate the OnDestroy lifecycle hook.   

Option 2 – Lifecycle hook is something that needs to be prompted on your own; if you have already subscribed in.

In simple words, whenever you aren’t using electricity you do tend to switch off the power similarly if you are not using the components or service, make sure you unsubscribe it.

Inability To Use The Available Tools

Android developers aren’t able to make the most of available development tools such as Test Whiz and Protractor. This could be demonstrated to be an expensive slip-up as it gets important to use an instrument at some point or another. For instance, Firefox and Chrome utilize phenomenal improvement strings that include examination, botch yields, and profiling. These instruments assist designers with distinguishing the mistakes already and spare time.

Code Handling

Organizing your codes is the basic thing to do as an AngularJS developer and this is where most professionals end up making a mistake. The entire development life cycle involves the equal distribution of codes into small cubicles or compartmentalizing so that it becomes way easier to track things down (errors) and work adequately on each one of them. And since Angular involves MVC architecture, chances are extremely high of putting all the excessive codes into one single controller and that’s when everything goes wrong. Indeed, even in the controller, it is prescribed to make minimized compartments inside this method of reasoning layer for each territory of your applications. 

Placing one single concept into a single controller can be a huge mistake. Aside from this, rather than picking some other substitute ways take a stab at making littler sorted out units for the rationale layer. Chances are there you might not find this important enough but it will sooner or later make things simpler to perform, find all the potential pitfalls, and build every smaller part.

Multiple NgModule Comprise

While developing an Angular app, one of the basic elements that we often take for granted is the component. In NgModule it is very important to acknowledge every component instead of the same component in more than one module. Now why do we end up doing this? It is because we forget every component can belong to only one NgModule.

So what are different possibilities? 

  • Using the NgModule declaration of the child for acknowledging the HeroComponent in the module itself
  • Use the NgModule exports for exporting that same component
  • And use the NgModule import array of the parent for importing the child module.

Not Compartmentalizing Properly

Compartmentalizing your code is significant. Presently when you work with MVC, it is about having a controller for a view. The controller is your reason layer, and it’s basic that inside this layer you make minimal compartments for every region of your application. A run of the mill oversight is to place the exorbitant idea into one controller. In case you need to isolate your layer for your application to bode well, don’t take backup ways to go. Or maybe, make littler sifted through units for your rationale layer.

Code association is one of the most pivotal pieces of utilization building. It won’t appear of much significance at first however when you have a group of engineers chipping away at a similar venture, it’s simpler to take a shot at, discover blunders, and create littler parts exclusively. An efficient code makes the application versatile for improvement, which helps as the association develops.

Scope Binding

Before pointing out the mistake here, when we say the scope of AngularJS it means all the built-in objects containing application data. And since we know that Angular has got many interesting features and is entirely dependent on MVC structure and scope is something that binds controller and view.

The issue here is simple utilization of information sources are frequently limited to a model that conceivably incites accidents in the coupling framework generally. To guarantee an appropriate restricting framework and smooth turn of events, it is basic that the designer needs to amass their degree of protest appropriately.

Prior Launching Examination

As an Angular developer, you need to know that examining is as important as developing something. What happens here is programmers forget to test the application in cross browsers. Strange and unexpected bugs are found only when they are tested in different environments.

$applyAsync Use

What is $applyAsync? It helps with keeping up the code’s expressiveness in the $digest(). However, there is no way specified so developers can opt for both manual and automated ways for practicing $applyAsync.

Utilize Batarang

Batarang being one of the most exceptional Google chrome extensions is mainly employed to debug and build Angular apps. While you are dealing with abstracting scopes, this extension is helpful. Not using the tool to its fullest potential is a common mistake.


Angular being an exceptional front-end framework offers plenty of support. In a nutshell, developing an Angular application is not just about writing error-free code but it also involves committing errors and ensuring never to repeat it. Feel free to get in touch with us for any angular related requirement.

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    1. Pepper Johnson

      As being an Angular developer I completely understand these common errors as I have made a few of them in the past. Thanks for sharing this write-up. I am surely bookmarking your blog and looking forward to new articles like this.

    2. Julia Smith

      Excellent article!

    3. Katarina Lopez

      Thanks for sharing. These are some mistakes which every angular developer commit. it will help a lot to them before making it. Keep Sharing.