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Few points about Progressive Web Apps

To expand with web application or mobile application is the most common trend these days, as it is the fastest platform to correlate the users rapidly and even for users it is high time-saving as it is the one-stop solution, where varied kinds of stuff are obtained right at one location or website or click or mobile app.
Real Reasons behind Android Studio 3.0 version Release

Google released Android Studio version 2.3 in March and 2.4 Canary version in April, still in May 2017, in I/O developer conference, Google announced the latest version of its Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Android Studio 3.0 with unleashing the coming of new Android 8.0 namely -Android O.
Impact of using Shadows and Blur Effects in Modern UI Design

What is Modern User Interface design? User interference is merely an interaction between the user and the application or device. This means it’s not just about how the product looks, rather about how it works. Focusing on the UI design
Most used Free WooCommerce Plugins

Free open source Content Management System, WordPress came up with a free plugin WooCommerce specially for developing an e-commerce based solution. Yes, the buzz of WooCommerce leaves an impact of some new technology added up in IT field, but WooCommerce
To Do Steps After Fresh Installation Of WordPress

WordPress is a pronounced content management system for both bloggers as well as website owners. The rigid framework offers a great amount of flexibility and lots and lots of options to customize your website in the context of design and
App Extensions: Fascinating way to interact with Apps

Apple always succeeded to accomplish the expectations of users and developers with every iOS update. Updates in iOS 8 to iOS 10 surely resulted in fruitful results. Apart from the extended updates in Apple Pay, Maps, iTunes, etc., Apple came up with the outstanding open platform for the developers called APP EXTENSION.
Engage User with Push notification

Talk Page Messages were just the generalized basic form of notification, where the user used to get an alert message written: “You have New Message from XYZ”. While mobile technologies are getting more interactive, then why not the notifications? With upcoming of Push Notifications, there is a huge revolution in the trends of notification in
Yii’s technology benefits

Yii provides several technology benefits to a business. It is the most powerful PHP platform that emerged recently. Yii poses a number of technology benefits to a business. However, that is not all Yii is about. In fact, it’s equipped
- AngularJS (13)
- Drupal (1)
- eCommerce (13)
- General (7)
- Ionic (1)
- Joomla (1)
- Laravel (27)
- Magento (15)
- Mobile Application (14)
- Moodle (2)
- NodeJS (13)
- PHP (28)
- Python (1)
- React JS (24)
- React Native (6)
- Shopify (5)
- Tech Comparison (21)
- UI UX Design (2)
- Vue JS (3)
- WooCommerce (2)
- WordPress (7)
- Yii (3)
- Zend (1)