Vue vs React: Which Framework to Choose
Businesses already know that Vue.js and React.js are two popular frontend JavaScript web frameworks in the web app development industry. With each year and every new innovation, that is taking the top spot on the podium in the categories of “most loved, most used or popular.” Vuejs and React both web frameworks provide developers with a productive method to develop various web apps. But each has its own optimal use cases and addresses different business objectives. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most popular reasons which make Vuejs and Reactjs their most common use cases as well as the benefits that distinguish Vue.js from React.
1. What is Vue?

Evan who has created Vuejs says that Vue is a versatile and flexible option for web development. You can use it optimally to develop lighter and high-performing applications. Vue is a lightweight and all-rounder JavaScript-based framework that provides comprehensive web tools for developing modern Single page applications and front-end web projects. You can also use Vue in the need to develop a versatile and progressive JavaScript framework. As we know, Vue also allows changes to be made in an application’s code without affecting any essential features that have been established. Using Vue, you are allowed to build progressive UI systems and profitable applications.
To know how Vue js works for your business, you must know what are the strengths and weaknesses offered by the Vue framework.
1. Pros and Cons of Vue

Pros of Vue
Old approach
Vue applies the old school approach which is more difficult to use in building solutions to manage UI components and animations. The traditional approach accelerates the entire Vue application development process. Though the approach is traditional, the output is still the same- high performing and efficient.
Effective Size:
With each and every new iteration of Vue, the Js framework gets lighter and faster. The ability of Vue to optimize helps web developers to focus on feature addition rather than debugging or code modification.
Futuristic and Fully-functional
Vue provides a set of additive API capabilities that are function-based, allowing for flexible and broad component logic building in complex apps. As a result, Vue application components can become more readable and functionally enhanced as needed. For this, you don’t necessarily need the latest development environment, you can fix the bugs and make the process easier by applying new-edge functionalities.
Cons of Vue
Language barriers in community support-
The con is that Vue community support makes it difficult to grasp due to lack of language proficiency. Because Vue is popular in many parts of China, the majority of the discussion about it is in Chinese, making it difficult for English-speaking Vue developers to learn and share resources.
Vue’s two-way binding characteristic
It is useful for creating and synchronizing components across a Vue application. It also causes the DOM (Document Object Model) to render data chunks or sections of features.
Limited usage of Plugins
Vue’s ecosystem is vast, however it lacks plugins and utilities that are generally compatible with the majority of additional tool sources and other platforms. It also requires support for the majority of available resources.
2. What is React?

React technology is another popular front-end language for businesses to lean on. Both Vue and React act as a difficult choice when it comes to building complex apps. To specifically talk about Reactjs then it is a Javascript library that can be used to create web apps with rich user interfaces. It allows experienced Reactjs developers from India to construct reusable custom React components, which promotes quick development processes. Furthermore, its capacity to produce a web page quickly makes it search engine friendly. Overall, it’s an excellent library that encourages the creation of both simple and complex business web applications.
To know more about React, you must know its pros and cons.
1. Pros and Cons of React

Pros of React
Efficient web pages
While using React apps, the biggest advantage is that you save a lot of time and boost the efficiency of web pages by refreshing the user interface to update the data, removing the need to reload the web pages.
Better user experience:
It organizes the code for future optimization and improves code readability. As a result, straightforward dead code removal leads to a better user experience and faster loading times.
Component Reusability:
React has separate logic and controls aid in the creation of reusable components. It makes application development faster and easier, as well as more convenient stacking of components to build complicated functionalities.
Cons of React
Consistent updates
React is commonly associated with the most recent updates on all versions and contributions from around the world. As a result, the Javascript library’s coding processes are less standard and more evolving.
Complex Codes
JSX is a Javascript syntax extension that blends Javascript and HTML templates. It’s a little old school, an elaborate design for developers. It is also more difficult to learn than regular Javascript.
Built focusing View part
Building an application with Reactjs will solely focus on the view layer of the model, view, and controller (MVC) architecture. This can help you create a different platform for the rest of the program.
3. Best Use Cases of React vs Vue

Today every framework including Angular, VueJS is progressive in nature which means it can be integrated into the project at any point of time. Tools like Vue CLI 3 and VueJS UI work at their best for quick delivery, MVPs, and startup ideas.
Vue JS is a good fit for both small as well as large web apps. We tend to even respond to the complex needs of enterprise-grade apps by using the vast ecosystem of Vuejs. Also, it’s a cost-effective solution. Vue offers a vast ecosystem of tools and companion libraries, allowing the framework to respond to the complex requirements.
Companies using VueJS – Euronews, Behance, Alibaba, Trustpilot, Vice
Mainly used for large scale applications developments, don’t try to overkill by choosing it for small and simple mobile apps. Of course, there is a lot required when setting up a working project. Now, one of the biggest differences between Vue and React is that its architecture is created in such a way that sooner or later it pays off.
React developers can leverage the full power of JavaScript – all thanks to JSX. In simple terms, JSX is a means of adding HTML code within the JavaScript code. All the flow controls and advanced IDE features such as auto-completion or listing are included.
Companies using React – Airbnb, Disqus, PayPal, The New York Times, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, WhatsApp, Microsoft, Codecademy.
Moreover, Because of its maturity and community, reaching out for help and getting a promo to assess the solutions to these frameworks is possible.
Angular, Vue js and React have been fighting for the top spot over a couple of years. To choose which one is better, you need to take several factors into account such as your specific use case, your business needs, environment, developer availability, budget, and the timeframe you’re working with. Also, further our R&D team prepared a detailed Vue.js and React comparison. Take a look!
4. Vue vs React: Key Difference

Let’s see the React vs Vue comparison via Hello world program code.
1. Hello World Program
Lets see How we can write in ReactJS
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>React Hello World</title> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="greeting"></div> <script type="text/babel"> var Greeting = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return ( <p>Hello from React</p> ) } }); ReactDOM.render( <Greeting/>, document.getElementById('greeting') ); </script> </body> </html> |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>React Hello World</title> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="greeting"></div> <script type="text/babel"> var Greeting = React.createClass({ render: funtion(){ return ( <p>Hello from React</p> ) } }); ReactDOM.render( <Greeting/>, document.getElementById('greeting') ); </script> </body> </html> |
And Check below how we can write in Vue
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Vue Hello World</title> <script src=""></script> </head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="app"> {{ message }} </div> <script> new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { message: 'Hello from Vue' } }); </script> </body> </html> |
2. Two-way Data Binding (Both Use virtual DOM)
Two way data binding in Vue.js is quite simple when you use v-model. In React it’s a long way down.
Lets see how we can write in ReactJS
// React.js (jsx) var Message = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { message: '' } }, handleMessageChange(e) { this.setState({message:}); }, render() { return ( <div> <input type="text" onChange={this.handleMessageChange} /> <span>{this.state.message}</span> </div> ) } }) |
// React.js (jsx) var Message = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { message: '' } }, handleMessageChange(e) { this.setState({message:}); }, render() { return ( <div> <input type="text" onChange={this.handleMessageChange} /> <span>{this.state.message}</span> </div> ) } }) |
In Vue
// Vue.js (js) var Message = new Vue({ el: '#message', data: { message: '' } }); |
<div id="message"> <input type="text v-model=" message"=""> <span>{{message}}</span> </div> |
// Vue.js (js) var Message = new Vue({ el: '#message', data: { message: '' } }); <div id="message"> <input type="text v-model=" message"=""> <span>{{message}}</span> </div> |
3. Iteration
Lets see how we can write in ReactJS
// React.js (jsx) var Iteration = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { array: [1,2,3,4] } }, render() { function(value) { return ( <span>{value}</span> ) }); } }); ReactDOM.render(<Iteration />, document.getElementById('array')); <!--React.js (html) --> |
<div id="array"></div> // React.js (jsx) var Iteration = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { array: [1,2,3,4] } }, render() { function(value) { return ( <span>{value}</span> ) }); } }); ReactDOM.render(<Iteration />, document.getElementById('array')); <!--React.js (html) --> <div id="array"></div> |
In Vue case
// Vue.js (js) var Iteration = new Vue({ el:'#array', data: { array: [1,2,3,4] } }); <!-- Vue.js (html) --> |
<div id="array"> span v-for="value in array"<{{value}}</span> </div> |
// Vue.js (js) var Iteration = new Vue({ el:'#array', data: { array: [1,2,3,4] } }); <!-- Vue.js (html) --> <div id="array"> span v-for="value in array"<{{value}}</span> </div> |
In this case, Vue js wins with fewer lines and simplified codes.
4. Nature of the Framework
VueJS is a true JS framework. Vue is almost Angular with several features stripped out to be lightweight and fast.
Unlike Vue.js, React.js is a library in actuality. Having framework-like features that are so convincing and regarded as no less than a true Javascript framework is a different thing though.
5. Rendering and Optimization
Speed without a shadow of a doubt is one of the most significant deciding factors and a real-differentiator. React tends to re-render the entire component tree in case there is a change in the child component’s state, especially when it is unnecessary.
Vue js is lightweight, easy to learn, and pleasant to write when it comes to render functions. Maybe that’s the reason why technology is highly appreciated among Vue developers.
6. Routing
The next factor is routing. Both the UI component based frameworks like React and Vue create a space where a React developer is asked to pay more attention to the state management and data flow. The reason being is that numerous components are used to interact and share data.
For routing, React uses the react-router library and Flux/Redux component based architecture featuring unidirectional data flow. When it comes to Vue.js, Vuex is the solution offering an unbeatable experience carrying out an advanced architecture. The first one is an alternative to the famous MVC architecture.
7. Building Tools
Both vue and react technologies comprise a huge ecosystem. Getting up and running with little or no configuration is no longer surprising. React comprises a more fragmented ecosystem which is richer than Vue’s ecosystem.
Both of these ecosystems tend to give you a comfortable and flexible development environment. Time to get started with coding efficiently.
8. Reliability on Third-party technologies
As React is a JS library; the possibilities of solely working with it are limited. The only solution is using the extended functionality of ReactJS, try using third-party libraries.
VueJS is quite on its own. Hence using third-party technologies is no longer mandatory, you can use them for further extended functionality or not use them. The choice is yours!
9. Documentation
It might be difficult to find the exact solution as the volume of documentation available for ReactJS is enormous!.
Documentation guides and API references about Vue.js are simpler.
10. Performance
There is no denying the fact both vue and react tech stacks offer similar results in regards to performance as they work on Virtual DOM. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have a fair share of controversies. For example, Vue involves less overhead, faster speed and pays greater attention to the shortcomings. Also among the two frameworks, Vue has the ability to manage high frames rate – 10 frames per second when compared to the 1 FPS of React’s performance.
11. CLI
Nowadays both Vue and React developers require easy access to the environment. Somehow if you choose React in regards to CLI then it makes everything seamless and hassle-free. Whereas using Vue CLI means the developer gets a customized resource that allows them to add plugins whenever necessary during the development lifecycle. In short, Vue CLI clearly wins here.
12. Learning Curve
When comparing Vue vs React, Vue provides higher customizability and makes things way easier to learn and adapt. Whereas React being an open-source Javascript framework takes ample time when creating web applications. Having functionalities like the use of components, Vue js developers can overlap easily. However, the simplicity and flexibility of Vue is a double-edged sword, it allows poor code and makes it difficult to debug and test.
For example, you can use react for developing large enterprise apps via thorough and complete documentation even though it’s not complete and requires third-party libraries. But in the end, this solution means the code is more concise and JavaScript can perform better.
13. Scalability
One of the biggest deal-breakers among the both frameworks is scalability. And here React is points ahead of Vue.js native app. Before we spot the difference between React and Vue, it is important to know that frontend scalability is the capability to maintain expanding functionality. Apart from this, most of the experienced developers make sure to choose frameworks that are able to support the growth that a quality app’s frontend should.
With the help of the components based approach, React offers excellent results over Vue. Whereas Vue comprises a template specific syntax which turns out to be difficult to reuse as the app size grows.
14. State Management
Both React and Vue have similar approaches when we are talking about state management. However, there are a few differences in regards to immutability and other aspects. States are present everywhere, almost all React developers know about state management but what they might not know is the fact that it keeps on changing time and again. As a result, the level of complexities might increase to a great extent.
Fortunately, in state management, there are ways to make it through. For instance, for small applications, this might be a brute force and something like Vanilla JS would be enough. How do things work out here? Components create UI. So when data changes, the framework (React vs Vue) redraws all the UI components and the data displayed is always relevant. We can call this idea “UI as a function.
5. Vue Vs React: Which One to Choose?
It is advisable to consider a ReactJS development company when you wish to create a complex web application such as an ecommerce platform, marketplace etc. As a large community it beholds future maintenance and customization become way easier. When comparing Vue vs React, hiring Vue Js developers is the right choice when you are keen on making lightweight and simple to-fix applications. Here at EtatvaSoft, we offer both vue and react as a service, feel free to connect with us today!
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I happen to stumble upon your post and I must say it is quite insightful to learn about two modern Javascript frameworks Vue and React. Thank you for sharing this excellent post. Keep sharing this type of blog that helps the web developers community.
Both Vue and React Javascript frameworks are fantastic for creating modern and well versatile front-end applications. You did an excellent job of describing the difference. Thank you so much for sharing this marvelous blog. Cheers!
React and Vue are both diverse from each other and are very helpful in their own terms. They both have their own set of pros and downsides. In this blog, I can see a total 360-degree difference between the two. Keep sharing these kinds of amazing blogs.
Such a nice piece of article, I am amazed at the way you contradict both the Javascript Frameworks. As a programmer, I personally used to prefer Vue js for front-end development but after reading your blog I really want to learn React js too. Thanks for sharing!
Nice post! It has detailed comparison over range of factors. Both the languages have its own pros and cons. Though, I love the way you ended by saying that It depends on the project requirements and which language is suitable for it.
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