The Client had the vision to develop a web-based solution that allows an accountant to get membership according to their experience and qualification. The portal help users to reach their career goals. A website which not only allows users to create an account but also make them able to join webinars, apply for jobs and make payments.

Services used on this project
Laravel, Vue.js -
Web Server
Apache -
Programming Language
PHP, JavaScript -
Development Tool

The Client
The client is based in South Africa, runs a private institute for Business Accountants that helps the potential candidates reach career goals. Their company is registered as a Non-Profit Company (NPC) under the South African Companies Act, 71 of 2008.
Core requirements were:
- Statistical overview of the activities performed by users in Pie chart, Bar chart, Gauge chart etc.
- Reports for business plans and board meetings. The major reports for all the planning and meeting was missing.
- Having a common platform for all live seminars and webinars streaming where all the users can take advantage of the knowledge being shared.
- Providing an interface where they can review the reports and can export them.
- An interface for showing graphical chart view for income, member's application, pending payment, etc. so that the strategic decision making can be simplified.
- Sending Email and SMS notifications to users based on different alerts.
- Having a platform for viewing different reports of the user account.
- Online Payment so that people can pay to various organizations and individuals online.

By using the best PHP framework "Laravel", we developed a web-based portal for accountants that helps people in becoming successful accounting professional. eTatvaSoft delivered an effective, user-friendly and error-free system that accelerated the client's business and created cost savings.

The Solution
The developed web portal helped business accountants in finding jobs related to accountant position. Users can boost their knowledge with personal and professional development seminars and webinars.
Key features were:
- Admin can log in by any member's profile. In-sort admin can impersonate any member's profile and check its details.
- We have given a reminder notification interface. There are two options "mail and SMS" notification in which admin can send a notification to members whose payment is remaining, with an attached invoice pdf file.
- Admin can customize the email template and SMS text as well.
- Interface to enter manual data for every offline transaction. Like if any member paid the fees offline. Then we have an interface to add its payment manually into the system. Admin can add transactions one by one and in bulk as well.
- Admin publishes and manages the webinar, seminar video and contents for users.
- Feature for Invoice management is provided to admin.
- The ability of admin for managing the certificate /Rewards creation. They can create, edit, update and delete it.
- Ability to make an online payment after admin verification and maintaining transaction History.
- Designation management - Admin can manage the designation like BA, CBA, CFO, BAP.
- Different user reports, statistics are displayed on the dashboard.
- Customers can view the events on the event calendar provided in the platform. They can enter the date and month to view the event details.
- Portal provide different Licenses/Certifications programs for different designation BA (SA), CBA (SA), CFO (SA), BAP (SA).
- Customers will get the choice to select between different membership program designation wise.
- There are some free webinars managed by admin for customers.
- Customers can view the list of blogs, filter them category wise and view the blog details page.
Highlighted Features


Rewards Partners

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