Mobile apps are eating the world, especially after being for well-known for more than half a decade now. In fact, they have been pervading multiple aspects of our day to day lives. Our client runs a reputable Golf Academy in Sweden felt the need to create an inquisitive application for golf players that would enable coaches and players to maintain records of scores, analyze game statistics, input test results and read/write logbooks. Basically, a centralized platform that serves all avid golfers and dedicated professionals.

Services used on this project
iOS -
Web Server
Windows, IIS -
App Language
Objective C, SQLite -
Back End
Development Tool

The Client
Apps have become the latest norm. And our clients aimed to drew immense benefit by creating an application of course regarding Golf to maintain their multiple users, including guest players, member players, coach, pro-coach, and whatnot. According to their perspective, the mobile app would help them to improve their game as based on records of scores; they can further draw out new strategies and techniques.
Core requirements were:
- Secure login to user's account
- Ability to set visibility level for the comments added by the user
- Bar graphs and line charts for displaying game statistics
- Generate scorecard for individual and team
- Maintain fitness test results of individual players
- Easily accessible by anyone and at any time

After learning what our client exactly needs, we started developing a mobile application that would make management and evaluation of golf players, coaches, and scores easy and efficient. The app created also featured a pictorial representation of golf ground so that players can easily strategize their game accordingly.

The Solution
To respond to our client's demand, we created a golf app for iPhone users that will offer them an experience like never before. One of the best features of the mobile app is that it works both ways in online and offline mode and display details interactively across any screen size.
Key features were:
- App accessibility in offline mode without internet connectivity
- Two modes - Pre-coach and Member mode to restrict golfer's entry
- Data synchronization between app and web application
- Logbook entry of daily activities of golfers
- Golfers test protocols assignment to track physical and mental fitness
- Scorecard analysis by text and graphical representation of test result
- Assign new training to the golfer, change the schedule of training and details of completed training
- Accessibility of online resources like training material
Highlighted Features

Member List

Add New Logbook

What can we help you with?
If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help your organization, please provide your details and project requirements. We'll get back to you soon.